segunda-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2012

Bom dia, com suco! / Palavras 'gourmet'.

Suco de morango e cenoura! Creme de abacate! Mirtilo... Eu amo o alimento!

O alimento para mim é tesouro!, afinal, é o que me forma.
Por isso também que bem o escolho.
... e atraio o canto das palavras, aquilo que elas têm de solicitude. Ao criá-las, elas me aprimoram.
Intenso. À menor circunstância, o deslumbramento.

Viviane Anetti

Foto: ORGANIC BLUEBERRY MACA BLEND | This is a simple and delectable blend / recipe that is beaming with flavor-rich health benefits:

- (1) cup Coconut water (from a young Thai coconut) - Alternative:  Almond milk if you don't have Coconut water or would simply prefer it

- (1) cup Blueberries

- Maca (4 caps worth or 1 tsp Maca Powder)

- 1/4 tsp Vanilla

- Generous Dash of Cinnamon

Blend together and serve in your favorite glass for a refreshing and delightful beverage that has focus-enhancing, memory-boosting, hydrating, and mood-lifting properties.


* 'Maca Select' is Available! | Maca Root is highly nutritious and provides essential amino acids, fatty acids, iodine, phytonutrients, and other plant-based material crucial for natural energy, focus, mood upliftment, and healthy libido. This makes it perfect for daily nutrition and improved health. 2 bottles for the price of 1 happening now.

>> Get yours here & learn even more at

(c) 2012 Earth Foods

Foto: A great way to serve healthy fruit juices to guests over the weekend.